Digital document management



What is OCR optical character recognition?

Full English name: Optical Character Recognition, abbreviated OCR, is a type of computer software created to convert images of handwriting or typewriter (usually scanned by scanner) into talented documents Whether.

What features does OCR software have?

OCR software helps you convert handwriting, prints, typing ... into editable documents on your computer. In addition, the software also supports a tool to convert between text formats to help you store and secure scanned content better.








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Integer in lorem posuere

Integer in lorem posuere

Integer in lorem posuere, maximus mi at, dignissim metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Thanh toán thay thế

Sed blandit dui sed massa luctus egestas

Sed blandit dui sed massa luctus egestas. Vivamus accumsan ornare augue, id aliquet lectus consequat et. Vivamus malesuada vitae enim ac vulputate.